Over 1 billion people around the world open their Instagram apps every month to post carefully edited snapshots of their lives or endlessly browse a never-ending stream of content from their friends, or more often - various influencers. But is it worth it for companies to try to engage their target audiences in this environment? We believe that the answer is a resounding “Yes”, and here are 4 reasons why.
A place for beautiful things
Instagram is a very visual environment - among colorful vacation snaps and polished influencer selfies no product that can be beautifully photographed will be out of place. But, if your product or service requires more explanation, you're still in luck as Instagram is also a great place for video content which is proven to be the best way for most people to acquire information.
Easy to reach the right audience
Instagram shares an advertising management platform with Facebook, which also means that the same ad targeting options are available for both platforms. Because of that Instagram ads are often combined with advertising on Facebook for larger reach and higher efficiency. Select people who will see your ads based on their age, gender, location, interests, previous activities and many many parameters instead of just firing blindly. Just note that some of the ad placements on both platforms differ in size and format, so you will have to adapt the creative materials accordingly.
Straight to your website
If your company is already actively creating content on Instagram, then you already know that this platform does not allow clickable links in the post description. The reason given is spam prevention and businesses are left scrambling for other ways to lead potential customers to their websites. One of the easiest ways to do that is to run Instagram ads that are clickable and will quickly funnel users to your desired landing page. Just make sure that this page has a clear direction about what the visitor should do next.
Sell from your profile
Instagram Shopping is a relatively new feature enabling e-commerce brands to list their products directly on Instagram profile, where consumers can browse them and make a purchase decision without having to leave the platform. If your business is US-based, you're in luck, as you likely qualify for the Instagram Checkout functionality that enables receiving payments on your profile as well. For the rest of the world potential buyers still need to be redirected to the payments section of your online store. Every new sales channel needs to build traffic and in this case, Instagram Ads or influencer marketing will be best suited to deliver immediate results.
These are only a few of the many reasons why Instagram ads can be a great tool to promote a business. Is your company already using them? If yes, are you satisfied with the results? Top Media certified Instagram advertising specialists will be happy to help you start advertising or significantly improve the results of your existing campaigns. Shoot us an email to arrange a free consultation!